Welcome to St Andrews Gardeners Club

Hello and a warm welcome to the St Andrews Gardeners Club. Formerly the St Andrews & District Horticultural Association constituted in 1833. This makes us one of the oldest in Scotland. Most of our meetings and get togethers to discuss matters of relevance to the members now take place in the afternoons, as some of us are no longer in the first flush of youth. Our Spring and Autumn shows are currently suspended as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.  You do not need to have green fingers to be made welcome or need to have a garden, a tub or even a window box will do. All we ask is that you have a love of plants and and interest in gardening. Do come along all the more the merrier.


If you have some spare time why not pop in and visit us. If you like what you hear you may wish to join our happy band.

The cost of membership is currently:

Adult £11          Joint with Spouse / Partner £15
Retired / Unwaged £8          Joint with Spouse / Partner £12

Membership entitles you to free admission to our Spring and Autumn Shows. 



Summer show Schedule

Spring Show Entry Form

Summer Show Entry Form